Labels:and circuit | crt screen | monitor | poster | scooter OCR: Crcd it Card Math Copyr ight 1994 95 by Practical ^pp1 l icat ions If you UC wondcred why takcs 1ong pa of crcdit cards If you want to saUc moncy and cll l iminatc thousands nkc How DISCOVER illions crcdit of do lar3 im crcdit cred card card dol lars ssUCr'S HAFU If card rollcr you CO3 intcres fcc] ter ikc you by Iow crcdit card issucrs to UIRTH kccp The your clcvcr monthly schcmc paymcnt uscd QRTH do] Prcsx oru Kcu Crodit Cord savc intcresi crcdi billions cird paynent